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Meet Cheryl

Cheryl has invested several decades of diligently developing her mindset and expertise. This was a result of growing up as "the shyest girl in the

room"! For context, so shy she wouldn't even

ring the bell on the bus so could get off

at her stop. She'd just ride along to the next

person's stop so no one would pay attention to


Fast forward, thankfully, she decided to use her understanding of people, areas impacting their behaviors and decision making to make her

mark in Corporate Sales.


She repeatedly leveraged her proprietary method

H.E.A.R.T centered framework in corporate sales and landed new clients like Wells Fargo Bank,

Discover Financial and Kaiser Permanente. She realized quickly that coaching team members to be their excellent

best not only supported their growth but gave

them ownership of the new clients' results. She

fell in love with the "aHa moment" that occurrs 

when leaders, specialists and technology team members overcame their fear of public speaking

and realized they could lead high level sales conversations confidently to win new business! 


Over her 20+ year career she coached teams to win over $25M using her H.E.A.R.T. centered framework. ​ 

As Seen On

Powering Up Your Mindset To Achieve Goals with Cheryl Parks

Powering Up Your Mindset To Achieve Goals with Cheryl Parks
Powering Up Your Mindset To Achieve Goals with Cheryl Parks

Powering Up Your Mindset To Achieve Goals with Cheryl Parks

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The infamous ROLE PLAY!

The infamous ROLE PLAY!

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Coffee Break with Candace featuring Cheryl Parks

Coffee Break with Candace featuring Cheryl Parks

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SHY GIRLS MASTER MINDS is a continuation of Cheryl's personal growth story. She was a shy girl who never used her voice, learned to have high level sales conversations and who, now, trains salespeople sell with confidence. Stay Tuned to learn more about the project and see how you can contribute resources towards empowerment and growth.



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